Monday, February 27, 2012

EJones: A Bridge of Strength in a Business Emphasizing Weaknesses


“No matter how good I get, there’s always gonna be someone better than me. So I’m just trying to build a fanbase that’s real. If you like good lyrics, and you wanna hear a good story, then come listen to my stuff.”
            There are a lot of talented musicians. There are also a lot of people that are pushing their way into the rap and hip-hop side of the music business. So who is EJones?
            Ejones is a rapper/producer that comes to the audience with knowledge about both sides of the tracks. Originally from Richmond, VA, EJones later moved to a suburban neighborhood in Chesterfield, VA. Other than being mindful of different types of people from different parts, he sees the music business in a realistic point of view: everyone is fighting to get to the top, and you have to believe in yourself and work hard to get there.
            “Back at home, people know who I am. They used to joke on me like, ‘ha ha EJones the rapper’. But now that they know me and my music, they say ‘Hey there’s EJones: the rapper’.”
            One thing that stood out about this artist was his drive to get to his goals of making it big. He honestly believes in himself, which is important in a business that constantly tears you down. And not only is he strong, but he still can recognize that there’s always room for improvement.
            “I have the lyrics. I’m working on a better flow right now. I’m a big storyteller. I’m gonna tell you about me, and I’m just gonna be real…tell people who I am. And sometimes I like to play with words. “
            Strength doesn’t just produce itself out of thin air. It has to be created from inside yourself and radiated in music. EJones wears his strength and truly believes in himself. And his music group, the R.E.F. group, is his main foundation of his strength. Not only is this a music group, but to him this group is his family. And whenever there are any negative feeling towards his music or him as an artist, he shrugs his shoulders and says, “I mean everyone has an opinion. Not everyone is gonna like you. But you just have to R.E.F. at the haters. Just tell them ‘realize-fly’ and keep doing you.”
            Realize-fly is where the R.E.F. name comes from, and it fits well with what they believe. They want to be themselves, and a little hate won’t stop it from happening. As for his message for future listeners, he provides a good description of him in a nutshell as an artist:
            “There’s bound to be a song in your life that you can relate to. So feel free to listen to my music and like my page. There might be a song that you might not like or you might not be feeling. But stick around for a little bit. Give it a chance. If you don’t like it? Unlike the page. But give it a chance first. I’m trying to make it. Richmond rappers don’t always get the props they deserve because people think all Richmond rappers have the same style. I’m just trying to represent Richmond as a rapper that is lyrical and has something to say”. 

Be sure to check out EJones The Star under the Artists tab of the blog! And here's a link to his facebook page as well!! Happy Listening!


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